Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hooked on a Feelin'

So, basically I am in love with David Hasselhoff...I mean it doesn't get much better than this...

Yup, I am so hooked on this feeling...words can't really describe it...

Don't Hassel the Hoff!!!

Oh, and first post from my new laptop...Go Team Me!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

That's Hot!

Soooo wicked awesome...and I love his kicks, they're sweet!


Oh, and you better believe I'm gonna enjoy my day filled with sushi and trashy's how every single person should spend Valentine's :P

Thursday, January 11, 2007

When You Were Young

So basically, I just don't feel like posting anything all that telling. I have so many thoughts running through my head, it's actually a very dangerous place to hang out, and this last little bit has been so full of random and strange and confusing and a bunch of other stuff...but I don't want to talk about any of it yet. When I do, I will...till then I will continue to distract myself (and you) with useless information.


How old were you when you....

FELL IN LOVE - n/a (I don't think I have ever been 'in love'...actually I know I haven't, and I am more than OK with that)


DRANK ALCOHOL - 16 (Behind Dogwood in FH...I had a 1 liter cooler in like 10 minutes and than I took my pants off because I fell in 'Dirt''s a pretty good story actually...Joey and Buchan's entire soccer team was there and the cops showed up...Ken had a flashlight...I hugged bowler's ankels for like half an hour because I couldn't stand up apparently...I had to pee so I tried crawling to the Esso in my underpants...Nathan had to give me his shorts so I could try to save a little face...Wes got hit in the eye with a football...oh, and there was a church youth group meeting going on in the school gym the entire time we were there...that night was classic!!!)

SMOKED WEED - 16 (At 'The Pit' on my birthday...good times...good birthday present)

GOT KISSED - 12 (At Shilo's going away party...we were playing 'Spin-the-bottle'...Scandalous!!!)

GOT STUNG BY A BEE - like 5 or 6 (I got stung on my baby toe...It was sooo swollen!!!)

WENT TO THE HOSPITAL - 20 (It was right after Mexico...I had pink eye sooo bad...NOT FUN!!!)

GOT YOUR HEART BROKEN - n/a (See the first question...if you've never been 'in love' can you have your heart broken??? BUT, I have experienced the tears after losing the feelings of what I thought love was...ummm I heart that quote)

LOST A PET - n/a


SMOKED A CIGARETE - 17 (Yeah, not going to lie, I'm dumb sometimes...that's when I started smoking...and it really was innocent...there's a story behind that one too)



GOT A JOB - 15 (Art Knapp What!?!?!)


CHEATED ON SOMEONE - 17 (The first time was on Luke at On The Rocks...and that makes me sound a little slutty...but yeah...the last time I talked about 'Cheating' things got pretty heated...I got called some horrible morals got called into question...not much perhaps this one should be left alone)

GOT A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND - 15 (Yup, went out with Justin for 3 whole weeks in grade 10...he broke up with me at Bentley's house party, on her front step, while all our other friends were in the basement...and the boys all know it was going to happen like days before it was brutal!!!)

RODE THE CITY BUS - 13 (took it home from school the first time I went to Erin's was scary too...clearly I'm not a big fan of public transit...way too many creepers on the bus)

WENT TO A CONCERT - 14 (Puff Daddy and the Family...I went with like 8 girls from the dance was pretty fun...we were in our seats dancing like the entire time...oh, and we couldn't figure out what the guys behind us were smoking...we thought they were crazy)

Good times....

I don't know what the fuck this is....

But I do know that it's awesome!!!!

Oh, and you have to watch the kids in the background too...LOVE IT!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Videos and Vodka

This week has been so much fun...I did everything and nothing...It was great!

As promised, a picture of Leonard and Joey working on Lumpy the Snowman (November 26). It doesn't look like much, but it was really impressive...or something like that...the other kids in the complex turned it into an igloo and than used it as a really it was all good.

I liked Joey's Fireman Boots ^^^^ Check 'em out....pretty cool eh?

Ummm, this week was a movie week if there ever was one. I think I watched a movie at Joey and Leonard's place like every night.
~ Chirstmas Cartoon Movies on Sunday (before the power went out)
~ The Life Aquatic on Monday (The Family Stone with Kels when I got home)
~ Land of the Dead on Tuesday
~ Layer Cake on Wednesday
~ The Jacket on Thursday
A little extreme perhaps, but it really was great...something about watching movies when its all cold and snowy outside....mhmm.
Wednesday after the movie I did go to Earl's to pick up my sister, and I ended up having a beer or two with her, her boyfriend and his buddies, so its not like I have turned into that crazy person who never leaves the house and lives in front of the least not yet anyways....

What else...Wednesday I went baking crazy and baked like 6 dozen cookies...lots and lots of Double Chocolate Chip and a batch of Peanut Butter...I did burn some/most of them, but for my first attempt, they were pretty yummy.

Friday night I went to Joey and Leonard's (again), and all the boys were there. We played FoosBall and drank and (Leonard and I) danced. We pretty much did all the fun things you do when you are with your bestest friends. There was even a snowball fight, and of course plenty of good conversation. Lindsay and Sass showed up later on too...that's how awesome Friday night was.

Saturday I went out for lunch with mom. We did a little bit of Christmas shopping and than the two of us went to the Casino. Oh, and ummm....I WON $105!!! and on a silly nickel 'slut machine' too. After I claimed my winnings, and this is like the only time I have ever won anything in a Casino...we all know I sure didn't win a thing in Vegas, I went out to dinner for a friend's fiancee's son's birthday. I know eh?? And, this is the truth, I knew just the one, singular person there (my friend Henry from AK), and even him, I don't know all that well. Not really sure how this all happened, but it turned into an all night meet and greet...I met a whole bunch of new and pretty random people. At like midnight, me and all of these said people, who I have now known for all of like 5 hours, end up going dancing at Fever (very cool place by the way, had a bit of an Ozone feel to it, I liked it), than we all went to some after party...and yeah, I didn't get home till like 4:30 in the morning. The best part...this is all so very unlike me....really, when have I ever gone off with people I don't even know, and than end up hanging out with them all night??? ummm NEVER, that's when...I sooo mixed things up...three cheers for doing things you never normally do...and meeting some super cool people along the way.

I think that's pretty much it...I have a whole bunch of Christmas parties and events over the next few weeks, so that should keep me pretty busy and out of trouble...or something like that. And...perhaps a 'Year in Review' post is needed...we'll see....

Current Tunes: I'm a Dreamer by Amber
Current Drink: Vodka FX
Current Quote: "Think Nasty" and/or "Fertility Goddess"

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

But I like bears....grrrrr

^^^ Koala Bears ^^^

Kim is going to be reincarnated as...
A koala
'What will you be reincarnated as?' at

Seriously...that's awesome!!! Koala's are Uber-cute.

And, if you feel like being a good person....

Karma Pass

ohhh, snowday post coming soon...I took like a billion pictures of Lumpy...and what a snowman he was.

Monday, November 20, 2006

What can I say...

Okay...Random...and GO!!!

Friday was my hair done (love it)...went shopping...bought new make-up (cuz I needed to spend that much $$$ at MAC)...went to AK Christmas Party...awesome slide show...JaggerBomb(s) really drunk...talked with like everyone...danced (to LoveShack which is the best dance song EVER) set up on a blind date (2 weeks from now...should be interesting)...drunk dialed...shooters with Wendy (the bartender)...text messaged...boss tried to set me up with someone (I know who...but I'm not telling)...smoked...danced some more...drank straight from a bottle (icky white wine)...made out in a truck...changed my mind once I was where I shouldn't have been...other random stuff.....woke up at like 5 and had no idea where I this bad???.....

Saturday morning was nice...I heart staying in bed with someone till noon...felt kinda bad about missing work though...didn't even call...went for lunch with Lindsay...took a nap...watched hockey with mom (Edmonton rocked)...fantastic shoot out...rented movies...went shopping for dog food and lip gloss...watched movies with mom and dad....fell asleep so freakin' early...

Sunday was...ended well???...ummmm okay...went to work...went to the mall and tripped right in front of Santa's castle...kinda rough....watched football game...Go Lions!!!...went to Ladies Night...pretty fun...I love AK and all the staff and all their kids...I didn't do much work come to think of it...can't wait to go back to work there...took pictures...kissing booth...I think this may be bad.....

"Why can't the past decently bury itself instead of sitting, waiting to be admired by the present." --- D. H. Lawrence

Seems kinda fitting...the first half anyways....

I have been living off RedBull, Mocha's, and other caffeinated beverages since Saturday afternoon...oh and cheese...and crackers...can't forget forgive this entry...prehaps I will fix it later....prolly not....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Don't You (Forget About Me)

Random Movie Quote...don't mind if I do.
Kim's Random Movie Quote:

'The next time I have to come in here I'm crackin' skulls.'

- Principal Richard Vernon, The Breakfast Club

Take this quiz at

and if you get the title (and how could you not???)....YOU WIN!!!

Annual November Trailer Trip

Never Fails....Rememberance Day long weekend and I am camping.

Well, I guess not "CampingCamping"...I mean we only went to the trailers and only for the night...but it was still good times in the semi-outdoors.

I was the last one to arrive (what else is new???) at like 7:30, making pretty good time too, it only took me an hour to get there and considering it was raining, Go Van-Driving Kim!!!

Leonard, Jeff, Joey, and Colby were all chilling at Wes's trailer, kinda taking it easy, having a quiet beer, enjoying the fire, waiting for Buchan and Sass to finish up at Buchan's trailer and header over to Wes's. Once Buchan and Sass got to Wes's, the night got kicked into high gear. It was time for the TEAM SHOTGUN CHALLENGE!!! and oh my, what an exciting challenge it was. We would all be dancing, talking, enjoying the fire and/or the poring rain/bitter cold, when, every 10 minutes for 2 hours, on Colby's command (GOOOOOO!!!!!) all of us would stop what we were doing and Jeff, Joey, and Buchan would shotgun a beer, than we would all resume our activity (and for the rest of us, our more lesiurely-paced drinking). After the 13th beer the boys had completed the challenge that was set out for them...not gonna lie, this display of strength and courage was most impressive to watch.

Camping Highlights and Quotes
~ "Here Kim, dance with this knife and I'll take a picture." --- Jeff
~ "GOOOOOOO!!!!!!" ---Colby
~ "How are we gonna fit all these cans in that shopping bag???"
~ "Beer, you didn't stand a chance."
~ "Where am I going to sleep???"
~ Security Guard Conversation (Jeff and I really had to pee, so we went to the ladies room...ummmm...anyways, this takes place right outside the bathroom door, in the pouring rain no less. Yup, we got in trouble.) ---- "You kids sure were in there for a long time and you were making too much noise. You know we shut'er down early here. You were in there for 45 minutes bangin' around!!!" "Sorry sir, we just had to pee and it only took us 5 minutes. We were really quiet too." " Where are you staying???" "We don't know." "If you don't know, than you're gonna have to leave." "Oh, we're staying at the Buchan-Brunskill's (the only trailers with people??? the trailers making all the noise???)." "Ohhhh, the Brunskill's eh???" ---- and Jeff and I take this opportunity to escape. The best part, and what makes this retardedly funny, is that the security guard had no idea who the Buchan's were, but he knew exactly who the Brunskill's were. Sorry Wes, but your mom and dad will totally hear about this one, probably something along the lines of 'when your son and his friends drink...and oh the noise they make....kept me up till midnight....'
~ "Hey, are you gonna barf???"
~ "2 minutes!!!" --- Buchan
~ "Let's go to the trampolines!!!"
~ "Hurry!!! less than 60 seconds!!!"
~ "How the hell do I turn off the light in the Excursion???"
~ "Did you put make-up on??? You're cheeks are so pink."
~ "I'll go get the's warm."
~ "This is the worst music ever!!!"
~ "Do I have time to go the bathroom???" "You better hurry, you only have 6 minutes!!!"
~ "Dance in a circle while waving your'll warm you up for sure."
~ "We're not in a fucking parade!!!"
~ "How the hell were you trying to park???"
~ "Let's hit up the Burger King."
~ "All night, I was waiting for this song."
~ "Hey, are you gonna barf NOW???"

Camping Pictures
Buchan, Joey and Jeff after the Shot Gun Challenge....lookin' sober boys.
Colby dancin'....we had a mini-(retro-boogie?)dance party right on Wes's deck.
Jeff between rounds....note the Team Shot Gun Shirt....Jeff wins for team spirit.
Jeff and I....bathroom picture....this was right before we got in trouble.