Tuesday, February 07, 2006

And so it begins.....

Yes, it has finally happened......Welcome to my Blog.

BLOG - what a funny word. And I looked up the definition. Yeah, didn't make it any less funny (or stupid). Ya know this is true. And to think, some people make a living by 'blogging' (I looked that up), we call them 'bloggers' (oh and that one too).

Anyways, I really don't know how I should start this. Guess I'll tell you about my day.

Early morning classes = NO FUN! Yeah, I had class at 8:30 this morning, didn't really enjoy it much. Guess I'm cranky right now, but I have an excuse.

Worked from 4 to 6:30. Gotta love that two and a half hour shift eh? Actually, I really enjoyed work today. I got a lot acomplished on my girl's Hip Hop routine. And they look so good when they do it with music. One of my girls, Brittney, lost her first tooth today. She brought it in to show me...how cute is that??? My drama class was super fun too, although they were not on their best behavior. We had a talk about being a good audience when others perform, and I think that helped. Hopefully next week will be better for them.

8:00 = American Idol....I love this show. My whole family watched it too, it was like 'TV night' in my house, so weird. Joey even came over to take part in this entertaining event.

So, I guess that's about it. I am so ready for bed. Perhaps I will update tomorrow, this blogging thing is more fun than I thought it would be.


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