Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sometimes, you must write things off.

So, the other night I was talking to Brendan on MSN. We were talking about work and makes sense, we *do* work together...and we were sharing comical happenings about AK and all the CrAzY's we work with. Than, out of the blue, Brendan says that he talked to BJ recently.

Let me fill you in on the whole BJ thing.

HISTORY - Both Brendan and I worked with BJ about 3 years back. When the 3 of us all had the same days off we would all go camping or out to concerts or dancing, it was quite fun. Also, BJ and I dated for like a year and a half. It was a very different relationship, totally not typical (or normal). I could go on about our relationship for a while, when it came to crazy adventures we were not lacking at all, but I will spare you the details...for now. I will say that, although it was never an unhealthy relationship, looking back I was never really happy in it. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, and BJ was/is a great guy, but it just wasn't.....I dunno.

Anyways, Brendan mentioned that he had talked to BJ recently. This is fine, I asked how he was doing, what he said, the usual. It was a good conversation. Than Brendan tells me that BJ wants the spare keys to his Tracker back and that he KNOWS that I still have them. WHAT????

Okay, first, I know I gave them back to him. I, quite clearly, remember him making a big scene at my new house, in front of my roommates. I remember this because I was at a Halloween party the night before and I was SO hungover that day. I was watching an OC marathon on TV and everytime I moved I felt like I was gonna be sick. So, when BJ showed up at the door, bitching about his spare car keys, I was heated.

Second, even if I did still have them, which I don't, we went out almost 3 years ago. What makes him think that I would know where his stupid spare keys are??? Or, even better, why would I hang onto them for 3 YEARS??? Yeah, I don't know either.

Sometimes, the stupidity that surrounds me is off the charts.

Current Tunes: Would You Mind by Juliet
Current Color: White
Current Mood: To lazy to be anything in particular


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