Thursday, January 11, 2007

When You Were Young

So basically, I just don't feel like posting anything all that telling. I have so many thoughts running through my head, it's actually a very dangerous place to hang out, and this last little bit has been so full of random and strange and confusing and a bunch of other stuff...but I don't want to talk about any of it yet. When I do, I will...till then I will continue to distract myself (and you) with useless information.


How old were you when you....

FELL IN LOVE - n/a (I don't think I have ever been 'in love'...actually I know I haven't, and I am more than OK with that)


DRANK ALCOHOL - 16 (Behind Dogwood in FH...I had a 1 liter cooler in like 10 minutes and than I took my pants off because I fell in 'Dirt''s a pretty good story actually...Joey and Buchan's entire soccer team was there and the cops showed up...Ken had a flashlight...I hugged bowler's ankels for like half an hour because I couldn't stand up apparently...I had to pee so I tried crawling to the Esso in my underpants...Nathan had to give me his shorts so I could try to save a little face...Wes got hit in the eye with a football...oh, and there was a church youth group meeting going on in the school gym the entire time we were there...that night was classic!!!)

SMOKED WEED - 16 (At 'The Pit' on my birthday...good times...good birthday present)

GOT KISSED - 12 (At Shilo's going away party...we were playing 'Spin-the-bottle'...Scandalous!!!)

GOT STUNG BY A BEE - like 5 or 6 (I got stung on my baby toe...It was sooo swollen!!!)

WENT TO THE HOSPITAL - 20 (It was right after Mexico...I had pink eye sooo bad...NOT FUN!!!)

GOT YOUR HEART BROKEN - n/a (See the first question...if you've never been 'in love' can you have your heart broken??? BUT, I have experienced the tears after losing the feelings of what I thought love was...ummm I heart that quote)

LOST A PET - n/a


SMOKED A CIGARETE - 17 (Yeah, not going to lie, I'm dumb sometimes...that's when I started smoking...and it really was innocent...there's a story behind that one too)



GOT A JOB - 15 (Art Knapp What!?!?!)


CHEATED ON SOMEONE - 17 (The first time was on Luke at On The Rocks...and that makes me sound a little slutty...but yeah...the last time I talked about 'Cheating' things got pretty heated...I got called some horrible morals got called into question...not much perhaps this one should be left alone)

GOT A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND - 15 (Yup, went out with Justin for 3 whole weeks in grade 10...he broke up with me at Bentley's house party, on her front step, while all our other friends were in the basement...and the boys all know it was going to happen like days before it was brutal!!!)

RODE THE CITY BUS - 13 (took it home from school the first time I went to Erin's was scary too...clearly I'm not a big fan of public transit...way too many creepers on the bus)

WENT TO A CONCERT - 14 (Puff Daddy and the Family...I went with like 8 girls from the dance was pretty fun...we were in our seats dancing like the entire time...oh, and we couldn't figure out what the guys behind us were smoking...we thought they were crazy)

Good times....

I don't know what the fuck this is....

But I do know that it's awesome!!!!

Oh, and you have to watch the kids in the background too...LOVE IT!