Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oh So Pretty

I work with a wonderful lady named Donna. She has three kids of her own and a whole bunch of grandkids. She is so one of my 'work moms'. She is incredibly smart and knows so very much. She tells some pretty amazing stories, and I love listening to them. She never lets people push her around and she has no problem telling you if you are acting like a complete fool.

Donna just got back from Mexico. She was there for a week with her husband. She says she had so much fun and I totally believe her. While she was there, she bought a whole bunch of bracelets, one for each of the girls she works with. Mine has these amazing dark blue stones with black squares and tiny silver beads in between. I love it so very much.

Current Tunes: Grey Streets by Dave Matthew's Band
Current Food: Sushi....I have the biggest craving
Current Color: Dark Blue, like my bracelet :)


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