Saturday, February 18, 2006

I wanna be a Toys-R-Us Kid

This afternoon Joey and I went to Toys-R-Us. It was so much fun. We beat each other up with toy baseball bats, we had an intense game of 'Where's Waldo', we looked at all the video games and CD's and DVD's, we played with toy dinosaurs. It was great. Toys-R-Us you are amazing! I even got to ride around on a life size Thomas the Train. Well, life size if you are a 3 year old. Oh, and Joey silently stared at some 2 ft robot for like 10 minutes. He had this far away look in his eyes, this look of hope, the entire time. It was really freaky to tell you the truth. As he was reading the side of the box, discovering all the things this robot could do, his eyes actually glazed over. I got scared and hid in the barbie section. I figured I would be safe there. We left pretty soon after that, Joey was pretty much exhausted, what with all the excitment and fun we had had and the wonderous robot he had found. Oh, and neither of us had a temper tantrum when we had to leave. Not like the little jerk in front of us on the way out. Man could that kid scream.

Now I have to get ready for Tracy's birthday party. We are going to the Ozone. Oh, and we are Hoe-ing it up tonight! I guess it could be worse, we could be going to Foggy-Don'ts right???

Meh, who am I kidding? I Heart the Ozone. I always have a good time there. Jagger Bombs and Bear Mace, you rock my world.

Oh, and I picked up children's Pictionary for $5.00 today from a toy sale at the rec centre where I work. What a steal. Drunken Pictionary here we come. It is so on next Saturday.

Current Tunes: Stranger's on a Train by Lovage
Current Color: Hot Pink
Current Food: Sushi...Yummy!


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