Sunday, March 05, 2006

Feelin' like YUCK

Last night was a great big gong show mess.

I drank too much.
I smoked too much.
I swore too much.
I cried way more than I needed to. (I don't even know why)
I drunk dialed people I shouldn't have. (long distance calls too)
I texted people I shouldn't have. (way too many times)
I removed too many articles of clothing in front of people I shouldn't have.
I pissed off one of my best friends. (wow, is he mad)
I hurt one of my best friends. (not on purpose, but I still feel really bad)
I hit on a bunch of people I shouldn't have.
I said things I shouldn't have.
I tried to drive home and I shouldn't have. (I have NEVER done this before)

There are a lot of things I did last night that I shouldn't have. I just can't believe it. And you wanna know the worst part??? When I woke up this morning I actually thought I had a really good night. I was in a pretty good mood. Now, the more I keep thinking about the night, the worse I feel. I keep remembering things I did and things I said, and I feel like a jerk. I made a complete fool of myself in front of all my friends. This is just so typical of me, so true to form. I don't even know what to say. I can't keep doing this. You can only say you are sorry so many times before it gets old and people get feed up with you. I am so afraid of this. I don't want to lose my friends because I don't know my limits, because I like to drink excessive amounts. They aren't gonna put up with this much longer, I know that much. I think it may be different if I was a guy, but I'm not, and I am pretty sure the boys don't like having to take care me everytime we drink. I do this all the time and I don't even mean too. I really had no intentions of getting that loaded last night. I just, wow, I don't even know.

It's almost dinner time and I still feel like yuck. I wanna call my friends, but I am afraid to. I just hope they don't think less of me. I am such a lush.


At 7:24 PM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

you are splendid and we all love you.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude im just as much of a dork and i wasnt planning on drinking at all, i was planning on just hanging out and driving home, but that sure as hell didnt happen, but you know what, we do what we do and it might be stupid and it might be something we wish we could take back, but we cant, we just have to go forward and learn from it, change from it, if we dont then thats where the problem is. Your still loved!!


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