Nice hat, looks good with your Manpris.
So, tonight I went over to Joey and Wes' house. This is nothing new and/or exciting, I am there like
every night. It's kinda like my second home, except I don't pay rent. I do bring yummy food over like strawberry shortcake and ice cream sundaes, and sometimes I bring leftover dinner too, so I think it evens out.
Anyways, we decided to watch a movie. There are no CSI episodes on Tuesdays, except for reruns, so Tuesdays usually turn into movie nights. Or drinking nights. So agreed upon, before I even got there (because I was late), was
Pirates of the Carribean. This was totally fine with my though, because its a really good flick.
Yup, so not 10 minutes into the movie and there is
Captain Jack Sparrow rocking out with a three point pirate hat on. I must admit, it looks pretty good on him too. Than Wes makes the
bestest comment I have ever heard......
"I think I could pull off a three point hat."Oh my, how I struggled to keep a straight face.
No Wes, you probably couldn't pull off a three point pirate hat. The only people who can have wooden legs, eyepatches and pet parrots. I mean come on.....

Do you really think you could bust that out??? Really???
Fashion police have just detected your wardrobe....Spare Oom?!?
Oh Wes, I still love ya, and I only joke. I would still be your friend if you did decide to invest in a three point pirate hat. Although I probably wouldn't tell many people that I was.
"Manpris" are another statement entirely. They're unforgiveable actually. And if Wes or Buchan decide to start wearing those, I will never let them live it down.
Current Tunes: Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root
Current Color: White
Current Words: Hockey anyone??? At the 'Top' Sign???
5 days till Mexico....can't hardly wait.
Now think of it as a cartoon....
Short and sweet, to brighten your day :-)
My sister works at Earl's, which is quite the trendy place to eat, drink, and be seen. At least according to Kels it is.
One day she was serving a couple who had a little guy with them. Kels got him a coloring sheet and some crayons. While he was ordering his food he informed my sister that he had just started Karate lessons. Pretty Cool!!! He then began drawing a cartoon which centered around his new found love for Karate.
The captions appeared as follows.......
~ I can't stop fighting.
~ I am so strong.
~ This is my lucky hat.
~ Duu Da!!!
Throw in some fighting stickmen and a bright red hat and this is the funniest thing I have heard in weeks.
Have a gooder......
Ohhhh and 9 days till Mexico!!!!!
Drunken Phone Conversations
The following are examples that illustrate why I shouldn't own a cell phone, besides the fact that I never answer it. They prove, that while intoxicated and struggling with the comcept of "
Composure", I shouldn't have the added pressures of dealing with the horrid feature that is known as Text Messaging.
Text I --- to Joey
Sent on --- October 8/2005 at 10:57pm
Confidence me
What does that even mean???Text II --- to Lindsay
Sent on --- November 12/2005 at 3:31 am
Holla @ ya caller###w
Okay???Text III --- to Rhianne
Sent on --- Novermber 19/2005 at 2:02 am
Hey lovah! so ken just gotted bear mased @ surrey ozone work that out i love you from kim & i miss hanging out with you
Apparently I don't belive in punctuation.Text IV --- to WesSent on --- December 24/2005 at 1:57 amShut *p i am still hereYes! Way to use symbols in place of vowels.Text V --- Mass Text Message Sent on --- February 26/2006 at 3:59 amQuick what does the # 37 remind you of?? oh and the answer was SWORDS!! yes that was what we were looking for. oh & i heart you all. Love Kim ;-)I remember this, and it was really funny at the time.Text VI --- Mass Text MessageSent on --- March 5/2006 at 2:26 amThey wont gimme me keysCan hardly form a complete sentence, perhaps you shouldn't have your keys.Text VII --- Unknown (well to you it's unknown, I know who it was sent to)Sent on --- April 29/2006 at 2:54 amHay hey hey. They will not gjve me me kye s. I not drunk!Good english I type. Again, this is just proof that I shouldn't have my keys. Or a cell phone.***And there are so many more too :)And these are just the drunken, random text messages that I have saved!!!There are a whole bunch that have been deleted or that are too personal to post!!!Plus, there are like countless drunken phone calls that have been placed to pretty much anyone who has their number stored in my contact list.Is this bad????Edit:How could I forget the BEST text message ever sent from my phone??Best Text EVER --- to LindsaySent on --- October 9/2005 at 12:49 amHelp0meaYuppers, that is the exact message sent to Lindsay after I got kicked out of Sharks Club. Pretty rough eh???
50 bucks HEY
Last night was crazy! I didn't do anything really, but it was so random and silly....I
loved it!
Apparently no one wanted to do anything, they were all being lazy or boring (or working). So Joey and I decided we would go out for dinner. True to form, I was half an hour late and by the time we were heading to
Anducci's, it was almost 8:00. When we get there the wait was 25 minutes.
Joey Snapped! So we headed to
Earl's, which also had a wait. This wasn't good.
By the way.....who are these people that eat dinner at like 8:30???
We tried a few more places, unsucessfully mind you, because everywhere had line-ups or looked gross, and I wasn't feeling the fast food. After like a good half hour of trying to find somewhere to eat, Joey and I settled on some chinesse buffet place. Sounds gross, I know, but it wasn't that bad.
While we were walking from the truck to the restaurant, I found a $50 bill in the parking lot. HOLLA...
good karma. Of course, to keep the universe in check, I gave it to Joey. He used it to pay for dinner.....and we still had $10 left. We debated using the change to purchase the nescessary supplies involved in an evening of egging, but decided against it. HOLLA...that would have been
BAD karma. Instead, we went back to Joey's and watched a
Sex and the City Marathon....which was super sweet.
Joey will tell you that he didn't watch SatC, but that is a lie. He will say he was playing video games, but that is so not the truth. He can name all 4 of the girls
and tell you about their personalities. So there.
Think that about covers it.
Dinner at a 'Buffet' ----
Check$50 ----
CheckSex and the City ----
CheckSlippery Fish song ---- Yeah, i sung that for like 15 minutes, than Joey threatened my life.
Current Tunes: Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall
Current Beverage: Pink Grapefruit Juice
Current RingTone: Crash by Gwen Stefani (clearly inappropriate)
14 days till it really is 2 weeks Ken......