Friday, May 12, 2006

Now think of it as a cartoon....

Short and sweet, to brighten your day :-)

My sister works at Earl's, which is quite the trendy place to eat, drink, and be seen. At least according to Kels it is.

One day she was serving a couple who had a little guy with them. Kels got him a coloring sheet and some crayons. While he was ordering his food he informed my sister that he had just started Karate lessons. Pretty Cool!!! He then began drawing a cartoon which centered around his new found love for Karate.

The captions appeared as follows.......

~ I can't stop fighting.
~ I am so strong.
~ This is my lucky hat.
~ Duu Da!!!

Throw in some fighting stickmen and a bright red hat and this is the funniest thing I have heard in weeks.

Have a gooder......
Ohhhh and 9 days till Mexico!!!!!


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude hockey nets are great!!!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

best cartoon EVER.


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