Red, Yellow, Green...just pick one.
I was Bored....  | Kim took the free personality test! "Needs to feel identified with someone or something..." Click here to read the rest of the results.
....and it was take this quiz or study for mid-terms.
A tough call, I know.
It's kinda like home-cooked meals with a clean kitchen OR tits and blow. You can only pick one and after you decide, you gotta hope you made the right choice.
That was just for you Ken.
I wanna be a Toys-R-Us Kid
This afternoon Joey and I went to Toys-R-Us. It was so much fun. We beat each other up with toy baseball bats, we had an intense game of 'Where's Waldo', we looked at all the video games and CD's and DVD's, we played with toy dinosaurs. It was great. Toys-R-Us you are amazing! I even got to ride around on a life size Thomas the Train. Well, life size if you are a 3 year old. Oh, and Joey silently stared at some 2 ft robot for like 10 minutes. He had this far away look in his eyes, this look of hope, the entire time. It was really freaky to tell you the truth. As he was reading the side of the box, discovering all the things this robot could do, his eyes actually glazed over. I got scared and hid in the barbie section. I figured I would be safe there. We left pretty soon after that, Joey was pretty much exhausted, what with all the excitment and fun we had had and the wonderous robot he had found. Oh, and neither of us had a temper tantrum when we had to leave. Not like the little jerk in front of us on the way out. Man could that kid scream.
Now I have to get ready for Tracy's birthday party. We are going to the Ozone. Oh, and we are Hoe-ing it up tonight! I guess it could be worse, we could be going to Foggy-Don'ts right???
Meh, who am I kidding? I Heart the Ozone. I always have a good time there. Jagger Bombs and Bear Mace, you rock my world.
Oh, and I picked up children's Pictionary for $5.00 today from a toy sale at the rec centre where I work. What a steal. Drunken Pictionary here we come. It is so on next Saturday.
Current Tunes: Stranger's on a Train by Lovage
Current Color: Hot Pink
Current Food: Sushi...Yummy!
Oh So Pretty
I work with a wonderful lady named Donna. She has three kids of her own and a whole bunch of grandkids. She is so one of my 'work moms'. She is incredibly smart and knows so very much. She tells some pretty amazing stories, and I love listening to them. She never lets people push her around and she has no problem telling you if you are acting like a complete fool.
Donna just got back from Mexico. She was there for a week with her husband. She says she had so much fun and I totally believe her. While she was there, she bought a whole bunch of bracelets, one for each of the girls she works with. Mine has these amazing dark blue stones with black squares and tiny silver beads in between. I love it so very much.
Current Tunes: Grey Streets by Dave Matthew's Band
Current Food: Sushi....I have the biggest craving
Current Color: Dark Blue, like my bracelet :)
Singles Awareness Day
I totally love this.

Nothing says 'I Love You' like a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a
dagger. Plus, the threat of violence if this affection is not, it's just so intense.
So, YAH ME, I made it through Valentine's Day, and I have got to admit that today, was a lot of fun. I saw a boy skipping down the street and he made me smile. He was just so cheerful and jolly, it was great. I had a good phone conversation with Lindsay, and we decided to meet up tomorrow morning. Perhaps we will go for breakfast or maybe even brunch.....I don't know.....but whatever we do, I know it will be good times. Ken and I had coffee at Starbucks and we got in some good laughs. Most were at the expense of our other friends, but hey, what are friends for??? Than Ken and I watched Family Guy at Joe's. Sooooo Fun. We also watched Joey's cats play on their new 'Cat Wall', and Pickard fell, from way up high, and
almost landed on his feet. It was just a great day!
Damn you greedy Hallmark bastards.
Sometimes, you must write things off.
So, the other night I was talking to Brendan on MSN. We were talking about work and makes sense, we *do* work together...and we were sharing comical happenings about AK and all the CrAzY's we work with. Than, out of the blue, Brendan says that he talked to BJ recently.
Let me fill you in on the whole BJ thing.
HISTORY - Both Brendan and I worked with BJ about 3 years back. When the 3 of us all had the same days off we would all go camping or out to concerts or dancing, it was quite fun. Also, BJ and I dated for like a year and a half. It was a very different relationship, totally not typical (or normal). I could go on about our relationship for a while, when it came to crazy adventures we were not lacking at all, but I will spare you the details...for now. I will say that, although it was never an unhealthy relationship, looking back I was never
really happy in it. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun, and BJ was/is a great guy, but it just wasn't.....I dunno.
Anyways, Brendan mentioned that he had talked to BJ recently. This is fine, I asked how he was doing, what he said, the usual. It was a good conversation. Than Brendan tells me that BJ wants the spare keys to his Tracker back and that he KNOWS that I still have them. WHAT????
Okay, first, I know I gave them back to him. I, quite clearly, remember him making a big scene at my new house, in front of my roommates. I remember this because I was at a Halloween party the night before and I was SO hungover that day. I was watching an OC marathon on TV and everytime I moved I felt like I was gonna be sick. So, when BJ showed up at the door, bitching about his spare car keys, I was heated.
Second, even if I did still have them, which I don't, we went out almost 3 years ago. What makes him think that I would know where his stupid spare keys are??? Or, even better, why would I hang onto them for 3 YEARS??? Yeah, I don't know either.
Sometimes, the stupidity that surrounds me is off the charts.
Current Tunes: Would You Mind by Juliet
Current Color: White
Current Mood: To lazy to be anything in particular
And so it begins.....
Yes, it has finally happened......Welcome to my Blog.
BLOG - what a funny word. And I looked up the definition. Yeah, didn't make it any less funny (or stupid). Ya know this is true. And to think, some people make a living by 'blogging' (I looked that up), we call them 'bloggers' (oh and that one too).
Anyways, I really don't know how I should start this. Guess I'll tell you about my day.
Early morning classes = NO FUN! Yeah, I had class at 8:30 this morning, didn't really enjoy it much. Guess I'm cranky right now, but I have an excuse.
Worked from 4 to 6:30. Gotta love that two and a half hour shift eh? Actually, I really enjoyed work today. I got a lot acomplished on my girl's Hip Hop routine. And they look so good when they do it with music. One of my girls, Brittney, lost her first tooth today. She brought it in to show cute is that??? My drama class was super fun too, although they were not on their best behavior. We had a talk about being a good audience when others perform, and I think that helped. Hopefully next week will be better for them.
8:00 = American Idol....I love this show. My whole family watched it too, it was like 'TV night' in my house, so weird. Joey even came over to take part in this entertaining event.
So, I guess that's about it. I am so ready for bed. Perhaps I will update tomorrow, this blogging thing is more fun than I thought it would be.