Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Come On Get Happy

Last post.....Hello Depression!!! This post.....Oh So Happy!!!

I don't think anything is really new and exciting. The last few days have been pretty chill. I have had really good talks with my friends about Saturday night. Apparently I worry way too much and really, I wasn't that bad anyways. It'll just turn into one of those "Remember that night...." stories, just like Ken said it would.

Hahaha, those are like the best stories too.

Monday, after work, Mike and I got ice cream and went to the beach. It was so windy in White Rock...I thought I was going to blow away. We walked all the way down the pier and the waves crashing on the breakwater, so cool. I had so much fun. Than last night I went to Wes and Joey's. Buchan was there too. Wes and I watched Family Guy while Buchan and Joe played Golf. It was really fun actually. Sometimes you just need to sit with your friends and do absolutely nothing.

I gotta say, the last few days have rocked. I love when everything works out like that.

Tonight I have my last Parent and Preschool ballet class. We are having a Teddy Bear Picnic....should be a lot of fun. The 8 little girls in my class are like the cutest kids I have ever seen. They have come so far since our first class together too. I am going to be so sad when it's over...awwww.

Oh, and Ken and I might be going to the Frogstone for dinner tonight. Either there or to Wes and Joey's for stew. But Wes said he didn't want to make stew so that leads me to believe that it will be the Frogstone. Who knows really. Either way I am doing something for dinner, and it's gonna be good times.

Current Tunes: Talk by Coldplay
Current Mood: Full (I just ate breakfast)
Current Word: 'Burn' (all the cool kids are saying it)


At 6:59 PM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

if you don't update... i may cry

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Kimberly Anne said...

No crying....I have updated.


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