Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Made This

Hey Hey Hey

I know, I know.....I haven't updated in a while....which is lame too, because so much has happened in the last little bit. Spring Break Camps nearly killed me, as did St. Patrick's Day.....but those long stories are best left for another time and place. We finally booked Mexico.....there are only like 8 weeks till we leave too, I can hardly wait. Oh, and Joey has Brokeback Cats.....thought I would throw that out there as well.

Here, check this out.....


GO TEAM ME!!!!!! (I am also the back-up goalie for Team No-Play and currently being scouted for Team Cries-A-Lot-and-Keeps-Everyone-Else-Up) I can't wait for Mexico.....glad I am not on Team Si-Si.....insert random slapping noises here.

Current Tunes: For You I Will (Confidence) by Teddy Geiger
Current Drink: Cranberry Juice
Current Thought: 'A two day hangover??? How does that happen???'


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