My Alcoholoscope!
It's like a horoscope, but for alcholics......
CANCER's Drinking Style
Cancer is a comfort drinker -- and an extra wine with dinner or an after-work beer (or six) can be extra comforting, can't it, Cancer darling? Like fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces, Crabs must guard against
lushery. Cancers are brilliant at ferreting out secret parties and insinuating themselves on VIP lists -- and, in true Hollywood style, Cancers are never really drunk; instead, they get "tired and emotional" (read:
weepy when lubricated). But there's nothing better than swapping stories (and spit) over a few bottles of inky red wine with your favorite Cancer. Even your second-favorite Cancer will do. The sign also rules the flavor vanilla, and you'd be adored if you served up a vanilla vodka and soda.

Yeah, I disagree with some of it too, like the part about being 'weepy when lubricated', that
never happens. But the rest of it.....
The picture is from The Great Grande Praire Road Trip 2003. I believe it was the 'Beer Tower' night. This is no way demonstartes lushery though....So there.
G for Grumpy
I feel like doing nothing at all, except
maybe bitching.....and I am okay with this.
V for Vendetta was quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I saw it on friday night and it was terrible. I rank it right up there with
Sideways, the movie I can't
give away because it is so awful.
I shall forever refer to this movie as
V for Vile....So there.
Speaking of things I don't really care for, I would like to share with you the following:
DESPISE de·spise
(d-spz) tr.v. de·spised, de·spis·ing, de·spis·es
1) To regard with contempt or scorn: despised all cowards and flatterers.
2) To dislike intensely; loathe: despised the frigid weather in January.
3) To regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern: despised any thought of their own safety.
I DESPISE "M"....this crazy woman I work with. She wasn't even at AK yesterday, but she still ruined my day. I can't stand her. ARGH!!!
I am not even going to continue on with's pissing me off already.
I saw Default at the Commodore last night. It was a pretty good show actually. I didn't realize how many of their songs get air time on the radio....I was impressed. Oh, and I loved hearing them play
Sick and Tired live, it is so gonna be my song of the week.
Most of my buddies went to Cultus Lake Saturday night. There are a couple trailers up there that they own and it usually turns into a drunken mess....always fun though. I was invited to go with them but couldn't go because I was going to the Default concert. Anyways, one of my friends called my cell while I was at work. Oddly enough, I happened to have my phone on me and I answered it. He informed me that everyone wanted to go and had no intentions of waiting for me to get off work so that I could head up there with them. So, even though I couldn't go/wasn't going my wonderful friends was being all jerk-like and couldn't even bother to wait for me. Apparently, I was supposed to, I don't know, drive up by myself in the dark???....thanks guys, that's awful kind of you.
But really, what the hell???? I have been working at this job for like 9 years. They ALL know that I work till like 5:30 on Saturday....there is nothing I can do about it....and they can't be bothered to wait an extra half hour for me to get home from work....for real???
Guess I know that getting to the trailers those few minutes earlier, having one more sip of beer....ranks higher than me.
I think that's a little bit fucked up....and than, after all this has happened, I was called the selfish bitch...Thanks!
Quotes Collection 1
Y'all go 'Ohhhhh'........
I got this idea from Ken's blog, and I think it's wonderful. Brainstorming your all time favorite quotes, spoken by your (often drunken) friends, and sharing them with the whole blogging community......HECK YES.
So, here it is,
My Quotes Collection Volume 1. It is so on now Ken.
"Hot Dogs!!!" ---- Ken, at
Ms. Bently's house (jumping over the couch)
"This shirt, I puked on it, it reminds me of you." ---- Ken, professing his love for
Twinkle Toes and letting her know what reminds him of her
"Heads are gonna roll!!!" ---- Wes, on what will happen when he finds out whose poop he stepped in
"I am piss fucking sober!!!" ----- Buchan, explaining to us why he shouldn't be cut off
"Jamp" ---- Danny, explaining how he 'jumped' over something....good English he speaks
"Freeze!!! You're all busted!!!" ---- Mrs. Skoda, when she busted us at The Pit
"Sure Joey can come over, but I will have to give him a litmus test first." ---- My dad, on Joey's return from Grande Praire
"I know it was you Nick!!!" ---- Wes, deciding it was Nick who pooped by his car
"This is human feces, not dog feces...I know the difference." ---- Wes, explaining the difference between animal and human waste
"Let's meet at Java Hut!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa 2001/02
"Let's meet at Joey's!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa 2005/06
"What are we doing this weekend??? Going to The Pit!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa 1999 through 2001
"ZZZZZZZ" ---- Ken, the whole drive to
and from Grande Praire
"Yeah Lean To!!!" ---- Everyone. Camping in Manning Park
"What is 7/11 not??? A bar!!! ---- Everyone. Holiday in Grande Praire
"Just use The Pissing Stump!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa 1999 through 2001
"My knees, they buckled that night, and they still hurt." ---- Wes, a few weeks after Joey cold-clocked him
"I gave him my hay maker!!!" ---- Joey, on how he punched Wes
"Jaggerbombs and Bear Mace!!!" ---- Ken, on what makes a good night
"I'll have a strawberry smoothie." ---- Ken, ordering a drink after a night of dancing
"Let's watch Austin Powers!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa summer of 1998
"Keep your pants on!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa October of 1999 (and said, still, to this day, you all know why too....Bitches)
"Shut the fuck up Kim!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa 1999 through 2001
"Hey Doll!!!" ---- Joey, to every single girl he met in Grande Praire
"What??? You're Dumb!!!" ---- Everyone. The Bestest Game Ever....Grande Praire
"60??? Try 90!!!" ---- The cop, upon driving home from the Blarney Stone
"Wes!!!" ---- Buchan, trying to find his way back to his tent
"Hi, my name is Joe." ---- Joey, introducing himself to new people
"Hey Hey Hey!!!" ---- Ken, upon greeting his friends
"I feel how Joey looks." ---- Ken, describing his hangover after a night of partying
"Let's play risk!!!" ---- Everyone. Grande Praire
"It's Whiskey and Malibu. A Wisk-A-Boo!!!" ---- Ken, Wes, Joey and I, explaining our drink to the bartenders at the Ozone
"The Pass on Friday???" ----Everyone. Circa 2001 through the present
"Oilers Rule!!!" ---- Buchan, on his favorite hockey team
"Team No-Play!!!" ---- Ken, on him and his roomies for Mexico
"No, not Lenord's fax, Kim's cell!!!" ---- Wes, using digital commands on his phone
"Let's go egging!!!" ---- Everyone. Circa spring break 1998
"Tits and Blow!!!" ---- Ken, on the many outings to the
rippers. Also used to help Joey determine who to move in with
That's all for now....I could soooo go on, but I gotta save some for Quotes Collection Version I gotta header for there.
Okay Ken, your turn
14 by 4.....I got tagged.
No thoughtful post today. Just more useless information
all about me.Enjoy :)
4 Jobs I've Had (
the only 4 jobs I've had actually)
i) Art Knapp Plantland (going on 9 years so HA)
ii) Canadian Tire (for 5 whole days)
iii) AppleBee's (for 7 whole days)
iv) City of Surrey (going on 6 months)
4 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over and Over.....i) Harry Potter (love all of 'em)
ii) Garden State
iii) Billy Madison
iv) Finding Nemo
4 Places I've Livedi) Kamloops
ii) Surrey
iii) My AK home in South Surrey/White Rock
iv) Brandon, Manitoba for 2 months in the summer
4 TV Shows I Love to Watchi) CSI - Miami, New York, and Vegas
ii) Cold Case
iii) Grey's Anatomy
iv) Family Guy
4 Things I Think the World Could do Withouti) the abuse and neglect of children
ii) crimes against those who can't help themselves
iii) disease and suffering
iv) hunger and poverty
4 Things I Couldn't Live Withouti) my family
ii) my friends
iii) good music and good books
iv) Oxygen, Water, and Food (of course)
4 Places I've Been on Vacationi) Disneyland --- California, Oregon, and Washington RoadTrip
ii) Killarney, Manitoba
iii) Toronto, Ontario
iv) Cancun, Mexico
4 Website I Visit Dailyi) Hotmail
ii) SFU
iii) Pink is the New Blog
iv) ummmm, Your's
4 of My Favorite Past Timesi) being with my friends and family
ii) Dancing
iii) Reading
iv) Drinking (sorry, I had to)
4 of My Favorite Foodsi) Tacos ---Mexican
ii) Sushi
iii) Pasta --- Italian
iv) Omelet's --- with LOTS of vegetables
4 Interesting Things About Mei) I am one of the Worst Drivers Ever!!
ii) I am really into children's literature
iii) I can tap dance
iv) I love camping and hiking
4 People I See (almost) Every Dayi) my mom and dad
ii) my sister
iii) my friends (especially Joey and Wes...they live so close now)
iv) all the CrAzY's that I work with
4 Places I Would Rather be Right Nowi) with my friends (they're all working...BOOOO)
ii) in Alaska (I heart the cold)
iii) in Mexico (only 8 weeks)
iv) no where else really, I am quite content right where I am
4 Things I Always Carry With Mei) my cell phone
ii) my car/house keys
iii) my wallet with an emergency quarter
iv) lip gloss
Now wasn't that fun :)
I Made This
Hey Hey Hey
I know, I know.....I haven't updated in a while....which is lame too, because so much has happened in the last little bit. Spring Break Camps nearly killed me, as did St. Patrick's Day.....but those long stories are best left for another time and place. We finally booked Mexico.....there are only like 8 weeks till we leave too, I can hardly wait. Oh, and Joey has Brokeback Cats.....thought I would throw that out there as well.
Here, check this out..... TEAM ME!!!!!! (I am also the back-up goalie for
Team No-Play and currently being scouted for
Team Cries-A-Lot-and-Keeps-Everyone-Else-Up) I can't wait for Mexico.....glad I am not on
Team Si-Si.....insert random slapping noises here.
Current Tunes: For You I Will (Confidence) by Teddy Geiger
Current Drink: Cranberry Juice
Current Thought: 'A two day hangover??? How does that happen???'
Come On Get Happy
Last post.....Hello Depression!!! This post.....Oh So Happy!!!
I don't think anything is really new and exciting. The last few days have been pretty chill. I have had really good talks with my friends about Saturday night. Apparently I worry way too much and really, I wasn't that bad anyways. It'll just turn into one of those "Remember that night...." stories, just like Ken said it would.
Hahaha, those are like the best stories too.
Monday, after work, Mike and I got ice cream and went to the beach. It was so windy in White Rock...I thought I was going to blow away. We walked all the way down the pier and the waves crashing on the breakwater, so cool. I had so much fun. Than last night I went to Wes and Joey's. Buchan was there too. Wes and I watched Family Guy while Buchan and Joe played Golf. It was really fun actually. Sometimes you just need to sit with your friends and do absolutely nothing.
I gotta say, the last few days have rocked. I love when everything works out like that.
Tonight I have my last Parent and Preschool ballet class. We are having a Teddy Bear Picnic....should be a lot of fun. The 8 little girls in my class are like the cutest kids I have ever seen. They have come so far since our first class together too. I am going to be so sad when it's over...awwww.
Oh, and Ken and I might be going to the Frogstone for dinner tonight. Either there or to Wes and Joey's for stew. But Wes said he didn't want to make stew so that leads me to believe that it will be the Frogstone. Who knows really. Either way I am doing something for dinner, and it's gonna be good times.
Current Tunes: Talk by Coldplay
Current Mood: Full (I just ate breakfast)
Current Word: 'Burn' (all the cool kids are saying it)
Feelin' like YUCK
Last night was a great big gong show mess.
I drank too much.
I smoked too much.
I swore too much.
I cried way more than I needed to. (I don't even know why)
I drunk dialed people I shouldn't have. (long distance calls too)
I texted people I shouldn't have. (way too many times)
I removed too many articles of clothing in front of people I shouldn't have.
I pissed off one of my best friends. (wow, is he mad)
I hurt one of my best friends. (not on purpose, but I still feel really bad)
I hit on a bunch of people I shouldn't have.
I said things I shouldn't have.
I tried to drive home and I shouldn't have. (I have NEVER done this before)
There are a lot of things I did last night that I shouldn't have. I just can't believe it. And you wanna know the worst part??? When I woke up this morning I actually thought I had a really good night. I was in a pretty good mood. Now, the more I keep thinking about the night, the worse I feel. I keep remembering things I did and things I said, and I feel like a jerk. I made a complete fool of myself in front of all my friends. This is just so typical of me, so true to form. I don't even know what to say. I can't keep doing this. You can only say you are sorry so many times before it gets old and people get feed up with you. I am so afraid of this. I don't want to lose my friends because I don't know my limits, because I like to drink excessive amounts. They aren't gonna put up with this much longer, I know that much. I think it may be different if I was a guy, but I'm not, and I am pretty sure the boys don't like having to take care me everytime we drink. I do this all the time and I don't even mean too. I really had no intentions of getting that loaded last night. I just, wow, I don't even know.
It's almost dinner time and I still feel like yuck. I wanna call my friends, but I am afraid to. I just hope they don't think less of me. I am such a lush.