Sunday, March 26, 2006

G for Grumpy

I feel like doing nothing at all, except maybe bitching.....and I am okay with this.

V for Vendetta was quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I saw it on friday night and it was terrible. I rank it right up there with Sideways, the movie I can't give away because it is so awful.

I shall forever refer to this movie as V for Vile....So there.

Speaking of things I don't really care for, I would like to share with you the following:

DESPISE de·spise (d-spz)
tr.v. de·spised, de·spis·ing, de·spis·es

1) To regard with contempt or scorn: despised all cowards and flatterers.
2) To dislike intensely; loathe: despised the frigid weather in January.
3) To regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern: despised any thought of their own safety.

I DESPISE "M"....this crazy woman I work with. She wasn't even at AK yesterday, but she still ruined my day. I can't stand her. ARGH!!!
I am not even going to continue on with's pissing me off already.

I saw Default at the Commodore last night. It was a pretty good show actually. I didn't realize how many of their songs get air time on the radio....I was impressed. Oh, and I loved hearing them play Sick and Tired live, it is so gonna be my song of the week.

Most of my buddies went to Cultus Lake Saturday night. There are a couple trailers up there that they own and it usually turns into a drunken mess....always fun though. I was invited to go with them but couldn't go because I was going to the Default concert. Anyways, one of my friends called my cell while I was at work. Oddly enough, I happened to have my phone on me and I answered it. He informed me that everyone wanted to go and had no intentions of waiting for me to get off work so that I could head up there with them. So, even though I couldn't go/wasn't going my wonderful friends was being all jerk-like and couldn't even bother to wait for me. Apparently, I was supposed to, I don't know, drive up by myself in the dark???....thanks guys, that's awful kind of you.

But really, what the hell???? I have been working at this job for like 9 years. They ALL know that I work till like 5:30 on Saturday....there is nothing I can do about it....and they can't be bothered to wait an extra half hour for me to get home from work....for real???
Guess I know that getting to the trailers those few minutes earlier, having one more sip of beer....ranks higher than me.
I think that's a little bit fucked up....and than, after all this has happened, I was called the selfish bitch...Thanks!


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