Wednesday, March 22, 2006

14 by 4.....I got tagged.

No thoughtful post today. Just more useless information all about me.
Enjoy :)

4 Jobs I've Had (the only 4 jobs I've had actually)
i) Art Knapp Plantland (going on 9 years so HA)
ii) Canadian Tire (for 5 whole days)
iii) AppleBee's (for 7 whole days)
iv) City of Surrey (going on 6 months)

4 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over and Over.....
i) Harry Potter (love all of 'em)
ii) Garden State
iii) Billy Madison
iv) Finding Nemo

4 Places I've Lived
i) Kamloops
ii) Surrey
iii) My AK home in South Surrey/White Rock
iv) Brandon, Manitoba for 2 months in the summer

4 TV Shows I Love to Watch
i) CSI - Miami, New York, and Vegas
ii) Cold Case
iii) Grey's Anatomy
iv) Family Guy

4 Things I Think the World Could do Without
i) the abuse and neglect of children
ii) crimes against those who can't help themselves
iii) disease and suffering
iv) hunger and poverty

4 Things I Couldn't Live Without
i) my family
ii) my friends
iii) good music and good books
iv) Oxygen, Water, and Food (of course)

4 Places I've Been on Vacation
i) Disneyland --- California, Oregon, and Washington RoadTrip
ii) Killarney, Manitoba
iii) Toronto, Ontario
iv) Cancun, Mexico

4 Website I Visit Daily
i) Hotmail
ii) SFU
iii) Pink is the New Blog
iv) ummmm, Your's

4 of My Favorite Past Times
i) being with my friends and family
ii) Dancing
iii) Reading
iv) Drinking (sorry, I had to)

4 of My Favorite Foods
i) Tacos ---Mexican
ii) Sushi
iii) Pasta --- Italian
iv) Omelet's --- with LOTS of vegetables

4 Interesting Things About Me
i) I am one of the Worst Drivers Ever!!
ii) I am really into children's literature
iii) I can tap dance
iv) I love camping and hiking

4 People I See (almost) Every Day
i) my mom and dad
ii) my sister
iii) my friends (especially Joey and Wes...they live so close now)
iv) all the CrAzY's that I work with

4 Places I Would Rather be Right Now
i) with my friends (they're all working...BOOOO)
ii) in Alaska (I heart the cold)
iii) in Mexico (only 8 weeks)
iv) no where else really, I am quite content right where I am

4 Things I Always Carry With Me
i) my cell phone
ii) my car/house keys
iii) my wallet with an emergency quarter
iv) lip gloss

Now wasn't that fun :)


At 7:51 PM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

oh kimbo, you are far to interesting. but i didn't know that you like drinking...


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