Thursday, April 13, 2006

Look What I Found.....

Today was a "Tie all the lose ends, Get 'er done" kinda day. I completed most of my lesson plans for work, signed all my contracts for Spring '06, did a billion loads of laundry, cleaned my room, paid off my Visa, updated my blogs.....I mean the list goes on and on and on. I feel great too! Its just been a wicked day. (I started off with a yoga class this morning, and I have this sneaking suspision that that has something to do with it.) But anyways......

I was cleaning up some files on my computer (while I was eating lunch), and I stumbled across these two pictures. I had forgotten all about them, didn't even remember that I had them. I thought I would share.

This was taken at Michelle's wedding like 2 years ago. We all got so loaded that night. We were toasting ourselves at the table. Soooo Fun!!! (sorry the image is so grainy.)

This was taken at Meghan's house party last fall. I got so loaded that night....opps. I think I drunk dialed every single person in my phone. Good thing Ken was there....he drove my drunkass home and had to walk me/carry me to my front door. Did I mention I love Ken??? Still the night was Soooo Fun!!!

I guess that's about it for now. I was thinking that perhaps my next entry should be kinda like a photo essay. Way more entertaining to look at pictures than read words....especially if you're lazy. I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend, and that the Easter Bunny is good to you. Three cheers for chocolate.

I am so going to get HammerTimed.

Current Tunes: Get into the Groove by Madonna
Most Hated Beverage:
Sunny-D & Whiskey (why would I even TRY this???)
Current Color: Light Blue


At 4:23 PM, Blogger that girl possessed said...

kim it's time to update lady :)


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