Look What I Found.....
Today was a "Tie all the lose ends, Get 'er done" kinda day. I completed most of my lesson plans for work, signed all my contracts for Spring '06, did a billion loads of laundry, cleaned my room, paid off my Visa, updated my blogs.....I mean the list goes on and on and on. I feel great too! Its just been a wicked day. (I started off with a yoga class this morning, and I have this sneaking suspision that that has something to do with it.) But anyways......I was cleaning up some files on my computer (while I was eating lunch), and I stumbled across these two pictures. I had forgotten all about them, didn't even remember that I had them. I thought I would share.

This was taken at Meghan's house party last fall. I got so loaded that night....opps. I think I drunk dialed every single person in my phone. Good thing Ken was there....he drove my drunkass home and had to walk me/carry me to my front door. Did I mention I love Ken??? Still the night was Soooo Fun!!!
I guess that's about it for now. I was thinking that perhaps my next entry should be kinda like a photo essay. Way more entertaining to look at pictures than read words....especially if you're lazy. I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend, and that the Easter Bunny is good to you. Three cheers for chocolate.
I am so going to get HammerTimed.
Current Tunes: Get into the Groove by Madonna
Most Hated Beverage: Sunny-D & Whiskey (why would I even TRY this???)
Current Color: Light Blue
kim it's time to update lady :)
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