Why did you have to go?
Does anyone remember Dance 360?It was only like the greatest dance show ever!!!
I guess its no longer on the air....BOOOOO....this makes me so very sad. I loved this show. It was just really intense.
I mean each night the two hosts, Kel Mitchell and Fredro Starr, would pick 6 members from the audience, who would than have a Head-to-Head, Head-to-Head dance off to DJ K-Sly's rocking beats, and the Party People would determine who the winner was, based on applause of course.
Yeah, and the winner got $360 in cash and oh....wait for it...an X-box.
See what I mean...intense.
But, I really did love the show.
I guess the other night my sister was at Plush, which is a nightclub downtown, and she meet one of the hosts from the show. Oh yeah, none other than Fredro Starr himself....3 - 6 - 000000000!!!!

I think this is hilarious....
I mean look at the guy.....
He tries so hard to be all Street, but I mean come on.....you CO-hosted DANCE 360.....Sorry, but that doesn't give you a lot of credit on them there hard streets.....SOOOO Gangster??? you are SOOOO not.
This is, and I quote, exactly what Mr. Starr said to my sister....
"You've probably seen me, but you don't know me."
Followed by....
"This is Dro, yo."
Finished with....
Impressive indeed.
Tag your man, tag your man......hmmmm probably not.
This does make my sister like one-forth famous though, and that's pretty wicked.
ohhh they dont just get any Xbox, it is an Xbox 360!!! ask TGP about white chocolate...heehee that was the best/and worst new years EVER!!
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