I like you but you're CrAzY!!!
***This was actually posted on Tuesday, July 25/06. I started an entry about my birthday on July 20, didn't finish it, saved it as a draft, and went to finish it up today, which is the 25. Once I started going though, I couldn't stop, I just started to ramble and things just kept coming to me and, yeah, I just wanted you to know.***This past week has been InSaNe CrAzY!!! So very much has happened and I hardly know where to start. I would even go so far as to say it was EXTREME!!!
Wednesday was FANTASTIC!!!
Hands down, one of the bestest birthdays I have ever had. Oh, and did I mention that I have the most amazing friends in the entire world....cuz I do.
My morning started with about a billion and a half text messages. They were all wishing me good times, insturcting me not to drink too much, inquiring as to my plans for the weekend....you know the usual birthday stuff. I have to admit though, the best message had to be from Jeff. "Happy Birthday Kim. If you fuck with Team Shot Gun, I will kill you." I always love death threats...especially on my birthday.
After work, I went to Joey's for a BarBQue. It was so much fun. There were so many people there, which was impressive (it was a week night after all). We had hot dogs and carrot cake, oh, and some drinks. YUMMY! Let's see, there were so many good conversations going on, lots of catching up and reminiscing and quoting of drunken evenings and holidays past...I LOVE nights like that....Soooo Great!!! A drunken text or two were placed...not by me, I made a resolution in regards to that...but they were placed from my phone, so.....yeah, I knighted a chess piece?!?
The rest of the night was nice and mellow. I got home at like 10:00 and oh, placed a drunk phone call to Manitoba. I left a most excellent message too. I passed out pretty soon after that, while watching CSI: New York...one of the greatest shows EVER. I woke up at 4:00am, feeling like I had been in a desert for a week and a half, and went on a mad hunt for water. I than watched Saved by the Bell for an hour or so before falling back asleep.
Thursday after work, I went to Joey's again. Buchan and Joe were just finishing up a golf game and Jeff was on his way over. After their game, the 4 of us sat on the patio, drinking beer, smoking, and talking about the most random things. Wes got home from work early, and when he got home, he came out and joined us too. It was such a chill night.
Friday was WOW!!!
Joey's mom and dad were out of town this past weekend, so the plan was to go and hang out in the Skoda Bar. Well, when I arrived (at like 9:00...an hour later than I said I would be there...opps), like everyone was DrunkityDrunkDrunk. I couldn't believe it. Of course, I had to catch up. Yuppers, by 10:00 we were all doing the Cha Cha Slide in Joe's parent's living room. So much fun...and kinda sweaty...so Crystal and I went on a mission to find something to go swimming in (Joey's parents have a pool). We found some t-shirts and towels and into the pool we went. We all must have been in there for like two hours. We were all swimming and dunking each other and just playing around. Than we would all take a 'Splash-Free' Break so we could have a smoke and refresh our drinks, and than the mess that was drunken swimming would start all over again. It was so refreshing!
Ohhh, than the night got interesting. First, Joey, who was polishing off his 3rd twix, fell off the deck! It was one of the funniest things I have seen (only because he didn't get hurt). One minute he was up, and the next he was laying in the grass, flat on his back. Really funny...but I guess it may have ruined his good mood. Crystal and I than decided that it may be time to get out of the pool. We went upstairs to change, but apparently this whole 'Changing' concept was a little tricky for me. I managed to get out of the wet t-shirt okay, but somewhere between drying off and putting clothes on, I got lost. So, like 5 minutes later, I am downstairs dancing my butt off wearing a white bath towel. Ahhhh, than things occur, people go off on rants about phone calls that were never even placed, there was a chase scene in the kitchen, and I end up sitting in my car, listening to the radio, still wearing just a bath towel. Oh Yeah, this is true! Than, after being in my car for like 15 minutes I realize that I have to go pee (and badly). First, I decide that I can just do this behind my car. I mean its 2:00 in the AM...I've got a good buzz going on...whose going to see...but, as I am just about to tinkle, some car pulls up and almost catching me with my pants down (or towel up...whatever). I than realize that this isn't one of the best ideas I've ever had, so I call Crystal and get her to sneak me back into Joe's house so I can use his bathroom. After that, I headed back to my car, placed a drunken phone call, a couple of messy text messages (mid-year resolutions will start next weekend), yeah, than I passed out in like 2 seconds flat, and had the bestest sleep EVER!
Saturday was like the most perfect end to the week.
I got up (still wearing that stupid towel) and headed home at like 8:00. After consuming a rather tasty breakfast (Yah McDonald's....best hangover food), I decided I should take a nap. Apparently, driving home really took it out of me. Anyways, I woke up around noon and figured it was time to join the world of the living. And, while this seems like a simple enough task, its rather hard to do when you have Green Hair. Yuppers, three cheers for Chlorine! My Sterling Silver sampoo wouldn't even take the green out, and it usually does too, so I had to go and get that taken care of. Two hours later and I have all the green (and all my blonde highlights) stripped out of my hair. Good times, let me tell you.
After I got the hair situation under control, and finally decided (with the help of Crystal) that, come hell or high water, dancing would still be on, I headed to Joey's parent's house to do a little pre-drinking. When I arrived at Joe's mom and dad's, all the Skoda boys were there. Oh, and they had dragged the TV, complete with video games, out to the deck and were having a "Mario Party" while chilling in their pool. Perhaps not the brightest idea (last time I checked, electricity and pool water weren't friends), but what a way to beat the heat.
After a few drinks at Joe's, Crystal and I decided we should probably get going. Ken was kind enough to drive us to the Vanilla Room, and we rocked out to some pretty good tunes on the way there. Once we got dropped off and waved goodbye to Ken, we stayed in line for all of 5 minutes before we decided that we would much rather go to Gabby's Country Caberet. We wasted no time in calling a cab and off we went to Gabby's.
Let me start off by saying, Gabby's was intense. So many things all at once. For future, know that you can't stand by a table, this is not allowed, you must instead stand on the dance floor and try to stay out of the way of the drunken two-steppers. Oh yes indeedy, and the people there were a rather colorful bunch. There was a little old man who kept trying to dance with us. Oh, and when I say old, I mean like one foot in the grave, buddy was three days older than dust. There was also this guy there who could have starred in Lord of the Rings. He was a HOBBIT! Straight of the Shire! and he was so sweaty too...GROSS! There were also these two girls there who asked Crystal and I how old we were, but never bothered to asked us our names. They than proceded to introduce us to all of their friends by our ages...it was so weird. Oh, and there was also some crazy guy who, when Crystal and I declined his invitation to dance, threatened to bite us. I am not even making this stuff up. AND, just so you know, 'You have something in your eye...oh wait, that's just a sparkle'....is, in fact, the best pick-up line I have heard in forever.
Yeah.....after Gabby's, Crystal and I headed to Denny's (because every good night ends at Denny's), and ordered like the biggest meals you can imagine. While we were waiting for our food, some creepers from England decided they would chat us up. Thank goodness for the waitress, who was amazing, because she kicked their drunk asses out of our booth once our food arrived. After Denny's, Crystal and I went on a telephone mission to find a ride home. Apparently, our friends like to sleep at 3:00am because not one of them answered our calls. We eventually got a cab to come get us and asked him to drop us back at the Skoda's house. When we arrived at Joe's parents, at like 4:00, the ActionAction taking place out front was off the charts. There was a bicycle gang crusing through the Heights, two girls trying to decide how to explain a broken down/stolen car, (we couldn't figure out which), and Joey's sister and her friend coming home from a Tim Horton's run. Like I said, it was off the charts.
Once Crystal and I did the 'meet and greet' with all the people out and about in Joe's neighbourhood, we thought it would be a good idea to wake Joey up and give him the play by play of our night. Just so you know, most people don't like being woken up in the middle of the night, but Joey was a good sport and didn't bitch too much. After the recap, Crystal and I were pretty much done, and we both decided it was time to head home.
Sunday....I slept till late, get out of bed to eat lunch, watched a movie (or three) on SuperStation, picked up groceries (and got hit on by some random, sans make-up no less), went to Wes and Joey's for an end-of-the-weekend drink, than headed home and went to bed.
So, there's my week....How fun was that???
my liver hurts reading this
hahaha sounds like you had some good times....and yes i still have the drinkin call saved for you to hear it, its a good'r
we have to plan some dancing....i need to dance!!!! oh and camping...yes we need more camping, camping is a must.
psssst you need to update!
kimmmmmbop you need to update
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