Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mexico (or there and back again)

Well, I guess it's time I updated. Updated and presented to you MEXICO Uncensored....the good, the bad, the glassy-eyed smiles, the sunburns, the fight, the walking, the cabbing, the zip-lining, the cruise, the quotes, the beer pong, the security, the dancing, the monkey, the singing, the hockey, the shooters.....this list could go on forever.
And, I'm not going to leave anything out, not even the bed sheets or the bag in a bag.
I am going to take a page from Ken's book though and tell one story at a time. Plus, I have about a billion and a half pictures to post, plus songs and dances, and I think its high time for a Quotes Collection - Mexico Style.

So yuppers, lots and lots and lots to write. This is gonna be so much fun....Woot Woot!!!


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